The Top 3 Videos Your Business Should Be Creating To Start 2022 Right!


Cyrano encourages everyone to put creating more video content at the top of their resolutions list for 2022. Video is the preferred method of content consumption for most people. So it is important to utilize it as often as possible.

For the healthcare industry this means creating relevant video content. And not just on occasion, but on a regular basis. Here are 3 easy and effective videos to help you with your initial recording cadence and to set the tone for your organization this year.

New Year Videos

Get specific about what happened in 2021 and outline your goals for 2022 in a video to keep your employees and community informed and on the same page.

Cyrano creators have the chance to add their own personality and flair to each video with exclusive storyboards, animations and templates to make the entire production a breeze.

Cyrano New Year’s videos are an opportunity for leadership to share their appreciation for staff and a heartfelt message to an entire organization at once. A video captures sincerity and the holiday sentiment better than any written email.


Special Occurrence Videos

All you have to do is google what is happening today to find tons of healthcare related options for special observances, weeks or days. From Breast Cancer Awareness Month to Nursing Week, or Go Red Day, it can be overwhelming at first glance.

Start out by focusing on one special observance per month. This makes the workload manageable but sets a habit of paying attention to special celebrations.

After a couple of months most Cyrano creators find it easy to record videos for multiple occurrences per month. This can also provide an opportunity to engage directly with your staff members or community through polls to find out what days are most important to your audience!

Our creators have access to a downloadable content calendar with corresponding storyboard templates to guide them through all the popular and also the lesser known healthcare celebrations. With built-in polls and customizable call-to-action buttons, Cyrano makes getting feedback easier and instantaneous. Make your content calendar one less thing to worry about, with Cyrano!


Video Biographies 

Whether your organization is healthcare related or otherwise, letting customers and prospects ‘get to know you’ is a best practice. While text based profiles can provide a lot of information, they can’t convey the authenticity a video can. Video biographies are a great resource for matching patients to the right doctor and/or facility.

From the friendly faces at the front desk to your favorite physician, Cyrano can help you make quick, current, and unlimited video biographies.

It is a brand new year, and with that comes the opportunity to refresh your personal habits and work habits. The modern workplace involves watching videos regularly. From training and tech support to webinars, video has become a staple tool for all organizations, but even more so for healthcare due to the ongoing pandemic. Ring in this new year with all new video content. Ring in the new year with Cyrano video!

Hold on a Minute!

Transform Your Healthcare Communication with Cyrano Video

Before you leave, take a moment to see how our tailored video solutions can revolutionize your healthcare engagement.

Hold on a Minute!

Transform Your Healthcare Communication with Cyrano Video

Before you leave, take a moment to see how our tailored video solutions can revolutionize your healthcare engagement.