Self Help Documentation

Creating Campaigns

Campaigns let you easily send recurring or one-time videos at a scheduled time to a specific audience. They provide a framework to keep up with a video series or important messages. This article will talk about the different Campaigns you can build with Cyrano.

Accessing the Campaign Builder

  1. Click the Create tab [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-video-camera”] on the left side menu of the homepage.
  2. This will open the Create menu. Under Projects, you’ll find [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-bullhorn”] Campaigns.
  3. Click to open the Campaigns page.

Types of Campaigns

Cyrano lets you build 3 different types of Campaigns.

One-Off Campaign [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-bullhorn”]

This is similar to a program that you send out only once. Examples of uses for One-Off Campaigns include holiday messages or important news.

Triggered Campaign [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-magic”]

These campaigns maintain the message and content, but allow you to send them out to different audiences. These are great for new customer or employee welcome videos.

Recurring Campaign [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-calendar”]

These campaigns let you upload new content to a specific framework that will go out at set intervals. These are great for scheduled videos that need to go out on a recurring basis, such as Weekly Updates.

Creating a Campaign

The following steps walk you through the Campaign creation process. To begin, click Add Campaign in the top right corner of the Campaigns page. A side menu will open:

  1. Select a campaign schedule – This is where you choose which type of campaign to create.

  2. Choose Main Audience Decide whether to send your campaign through email [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-envelope-o”] or to publish the campaign to a Cyrano Channel [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-desktop”]
  3. Broadcast or Personalized Decide whether to send everyone the same message [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-bullhorn”] or to record personalized messages [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-list-ol”]
  4. Name Campaign Give your campaign a name and a description. When finished, click Create Campaign at the bottom of the menu. You’ll be taken to the Managing page for your new campaign.

Managing the Campaign

This section explains everything you can do on the Managing page:


Clicking Manage Schedule will open a side menu where you can specify when you want your campaign to go out to your audience. For Recurring Campaigns this is where you will set your recurring timeframe.


This is where you choose who will be recording the campaign’s message. This person will appear as the author of the published program and the campaign will be sent from their email address.


This is where you select who will receive your campaign message. This can be a Contact, Contact list, or Channel depending on the main audience you chose while creating the campaign.

Message Content

Customize the email message audiences will receive when you campaign is triggered. (Learn about Email Signatures)

Media Content

Here you can add intro and outro media and choose from the following options:

Add Existing Media should be used when you already have the desired media accessible in Cyrano.

Add Recording Task allows you to prompt someone to record media for this campaign. Once they’ve fulfilled the task, the video will be included in the campaign and sent out at its preset time. (Learn about Recording Tasks)


Choose the image people will see when the video appears in their email or Cyrano feed.

Email Layout

Choose the layout of your campaign’s email.

Playback Page Layout

Choose the layout of your campaign’s Playback page.


Here you can specify some privacy settings for your campaign. Decide if your campaign requires approval before going live (Learn about Approvals), whether or not your campaign can be shared with individuals outside your organization, and whether or not to require verification before viewing. You can also publish your campaign to a channel for training or auditing purposes, which will restrict the viewer’s ability to skip through the video.


Here you can decide some other miscellaneous details of your campaign. Choose the end date or duration for the campaign, which notifications your audience will receive, and some visual aspects of your Playback page.

When you’re finished with all these settings, click Check for Errors to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Then do a Test Run to double check that everything works the way you want it to. You can always edit the campaign later from your Campaigns page.

Contact Support

If this article did not fully answer any questions you have, please email us at with your name, organization, and question(s). We will answer your question(s) within 24 hours and use your experience to improve this help page.

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